2010年11月22日 星期一

Le deuxième mois

J'ai fait des dumpings chinois.

J'ai vu un film, shrek4 en français avec ma famille hôte.

Je suis malade, j'ai rhumé.

J'ai couru chaque jeudi matin dans le sport.
The french sport class is very different from the taiwanese one.

C'est mes devoirs anglais.

C'est ma classe.

le gauche

Les drapeaux de mes clubs. le gauche c'est Taiwan, le droits c'est la France.

J'enseigne mon ami à écrire le chinois.

La grève française.

Je suis allé à Cannes.

Je suis allé à Marseille, le palais longchamps.

Mon premier parti dans ma vie - le parti d'Halloween, je suis une sorcière.


2010年10月1日 星期五

Le Premier Mois

Goodbye my family.

I'm lucky to have these friends, see you girls one year later!

2010/8/25 I said bye to the people whom I love in Taiwan.

Me and the other exchanged student, Let's go to France!

after ten more hours, I arrived Marseille, France! The president of my club, Aubagne club, and my third host mom came to pick to up.

About my first host family

She is my host mama!

and my host litter sister, Nour!

although my first host family just have two family members, but their relatives often come back for vacation. We are clean the garden in this photo!

Me and Nour. We were baking cookies!

Me and my big host sister, Souad. We were making pancake! Souad was moving to Paris for her college. She is friendly and always help me a lot when I don't know what to do, such a nice sister and friend!

About my School

This is my schedule of school.

The school is extremely different from my country, Taiwan. In Taiwan, we have 10 mins break for each course, France is uncertain. Taiwan, we have our own classroom, we seldom move, but here in France, we change classroom each times! The way teacher teach us makes me shocked. I've heard that westerner's studies are different from eastener's, but I was shocked after I really experience it. Students always discuss a lot during the class. They express their mind even if someone is disagree with you. School is a little bit difficult for me, because I have to spend twice or more times than my classmate to understand the class. I'll do my best! PE class, I do jogging, volleyball and rock climbing. Here, we don't have to wear uniform!

Lunch time, we eat at canteen, like cafeteria. I don't have to pay because I have a card. There is one meal of the canteen. In Taiwan, we eat our lunch box at our own classroom.

My friends of school! In the begining it's so hard to find a friend. People may be interested about you or not at all. I am in the first year grade of high school, so my classmates are all younger than me, sometimes, I still want to meet someone like my age.. but I am happy to meet my classmates! They are friendly, help me a lot! I hope someday I hang out more times with them.

Oh, and the teachers here often strick! If they don't go to school, then we students will get day-off! That's cool, there's no strick in Taiwan!

My host papa took me to Marseille and Cassis.

Besides, I've been to Marseille six time in one month! For shopping and visiting with my family and friends. Marseille port is very beautiful!

And I went to a village called Orange with Rotary, D 1760!

I met other exchanged students, from usa, JP, Canada and korea. But there are just 8 people, and we all live far away from each other, so it's hard to hang out with them..


French food are so amazing delicious! I like cheese, bread, noodles... and I try everything new for me, then... I gain 6 kg!! J'ai grossi><

The first month just passed, I think my french would be better and better!
bon courage!

2010年8月28日 星期六

8/27 mama, tata, Nour et moi. Après-midi. Je mange ma première crêpe ^^

Nous sommes allés au supermarché.
I learnd many new words, Poulet, Crevette, Boeu....
hope my french will get better!

Je suis arrivé!

everything is so good, my third host mama, Marine's mama, and rotary came to pick me up, they are so nice! then ma ma took me to the school, sorry I did't take photo there, but I will do ot next time! after I went to school, ma ma drived me to the first host family. one the way home, I try to talk to mama, but my french is bad, so I speak English. Mama doesn't speak English, so she said " Anglais,Zéro "! lol, then I enjoyed the view of the city. not to long, I arrive my first family, I really like the house, c'est bon!!!

2010年8月19日 星期四

D-6 so long

Tomorrow night my family will have a son, and my sister and I is gonna have a brother! John-Louis is from Buffalo, NY.

the better thing is I am going to France in SIX days!

Je vais en France! Je suis si excité!

c'est mon famille!

2010年7月15日 星期四







2010年6月25日 星期五





<老師通知我,在某個星期六我有個重要的面試,要和扶輪的伯伯們吃飯,同樣的也有另外三個學生也一同面試。當時的我真是非常緊張阿!之前在學校的小比賽面試我總是嘴巴說的和心裡想得不一樣,深怕一緊張得我這次又會失去這個大好機會!當天下課後,媽媽陪著我到了餐廳,我把制服穿得很整齊,白褶裙也燙得像新的一樣,希望等等別再讓自己覺得丟臉了!大家坐著圓桌,我覺得氣氛頓時挺輕鬆的,除了我媽和我之外,其他學生和委員們好像都聊得很開心,我才發現原來他們都是RC的社員阿!這又讓我更加不安了,會不會因為我不是社員,就此喪失良機呢?一開始的志願我填了美國,沒錯,就是那個讓全世界都"很美國"的美國!但其他三個同學不是比利時,就是瑞士,害我覺得我的志願有點蠢。還記得有個Uncle問我會不會講笑話,由於上一題他們叫我introduce myself in English,我差一點就問出口說:「用英文講笑話嗎?」,慶幸的是我還沒有有警張到糊塗了,不然搞到自己下不了台階吧!我覺得我很幸運呢!因為在到面試餐廳的路上,我就和媽媽分享了一個我最近聽到的笑話,於是我就很熟練的把笑話講了出來,值得拍手的是,Uncle們都笑得合不攏嘴!心裡那不平靜的浪,隨著一對多的面試結束,也平息了一點。






和Kelly聊過天之後,發現她是一個很努力、用功、上進、開朗的女孩,我和朋友們也會陪著她回家,怕她人生地不熟的會迷路。到了她的接待家庭後,她的Host Parents很熱情的接待我們呢!當然他們是很傳統的台灣爸媽啦!我們到了Kelly的房間後,她很興奮得打開衣櫃,和我們分享他的所有東西!當然我們也吃了很多Brazil的sweet cookie!她拿出名片發給我們大家的時候,我才知道原來Kelly藉由Rotary Club(扶輪社)的青少年交換學生計畫,經過重重的考核後,才被分派到台灣來當一年的學生!於是我和幾個朋友便也有了出國闖闖看的計畫...............